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Concert Sponorship
Contact us today to sponsor one of our exciting concerts! The Aventura Concert Series 2024-2025 runs from September 2024 until June 2025. Below you'll find some of our upcoming concerts for this season.
For more information contact Karrie Griffiths directly at musicinmiami2011 @ (no spaces)

is YOU!

Scan the QR code or click the button below to donate through PayPal

Music in Miami, Inc. is registered to receive charitable contributions under Once you sign into, you will be given the option to choose Music in Miami as the charitable organization you have chosen to receive 0.5% of your total purchase. Amazon will automatically donate this amount to Music in Miami each time you choose it. The entire transaction occurs under the same account you presently have, so you will not need two separate accounts with, unless you choose to do so. You simply sign into your regular account at, choose your favorite charity, which we hope will be Music in Miami, of course. For further details, go to

Music in Miami would like to thank the following donors:
"With the support of the Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs and the Cultural Affairs Council, the Miami-Dade County Mayor and Board of County Commissioners."
Joyce Wachman
Neil Dern
Robert and Myrtle Griffiths
Jacqueline Eshet Gift of Giving Fund
Parker Eastin, Esq.
Lori Chadroff
Thomas M. Berger
Manchester Associates, Inc.
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